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[This episode transcript smells funny.]

Welcome to train hard cast talk to myself. Training. They were going to be talking about new car smell. Why people like it. Here's a cute smile air freshener. Percent protectant spray. Personal endeavors. Carswell. Combination of materials found a new automobiles. There's some question about that. Is a health risk. Sent and what it produces. Cars. Most of the interior. Villa consists of sailors. Such materials released. Her off gassing. These fumes are generally mixtures of many different chemicals gassing into. Liars. Although their favorite pressure is very low and they're not considered a. Formality Lincoln Continental that over fifty volatile organic compounds were. Identified as coming from sources such as cleaning and lubricating compounds. Paint carpeting leather and vinyl treatments later excluding gasoline and. Exhaust fumes and 63 manufacturing official documents and Bentley cars from. Model years 1999 2002 was traced to a rust inhibitor reproduction new car. Sprays are available that reportedly reproduce the new car and older vehicles. Using an aerosol spray spray with the adrenergic. Fuming with each other with leather notes to regain the luxury experience. That if you can look leather totes as characteristic of the new car Creek. Wisconsin has been altered. So. The old new car smell. Secret society near Paris now. By any other name would smell like gunmetal and maybe tennis bowls. Send home a little blue car portrayed argue that arises that new car smell. Around. He said. This does not smell like a new car he dangled in front of my face because my. Imagine myself a new Audi 80 inhale deeply he was right to Kissimmee essence. Of lemons on a pipe under the kitchen sink but the question of what exactly is. The smell makes me sort of like thing when I was about 12 years old you know. You can he see me doing this you know. Dealership drug myself anytime SAT there I could smell the odor of imprisonment. He was it goes against the seat back to messing around with also was filling. Plastic maybe Armor All a couple of sales went up to lately in the window. And I shook my head just looking I'm out discrimination you know what I needed to. Detect layers of aroma and better than one guy that's only a can tell you what. Kinds of weeds in the grape arbor. Its new car smell toxic howStuffWorks what exactly is that new car smell. Like 630 says workers are worse. To get that. Interest the chemicals because compound is a kind of chemical. New car that peak smell the divisions can get behind. Well. All right let's look at this v and staff. Accepting celebration improve the performance not be sacrificed at the. Altar saving the environment but for some consumers whether in the seats and. Steering wheel we're slaughtering animals in the class of 2004 vehicle. That cost more than $100,000 synthetic leather attache Tesla coils alter waited. Until then. Oil exporter to India vehicle. Ok but how does it smell. As well. Open for eucalyptus wood harvested from a certified forests. About this. Well. New search old new car smell. Curse now. Compositions appeals a new car smell objective else gets the smallest. Out gas molecules in the unstable volatile organic compounds in which they. Are made. From official sources as diverse compounds are putting her in awhile. Since it excludes gasoline and exhaust fumes and taxing it. Intoxicating is there a new car smell that has been analyzed approximated sold. In such bottle products are screaming in new car air freshener. Product class themselves going to effect real those most several cars wear masks. Masks they're constantly made the smell that new car smell smells very healthy. For you. Most of the border closures orpheus is also are going to come. Naturally derived. Commander forget this complex and workers that have not yet. Many cases against Texas over. Market. Why should people are purchased spray bottle of premium. Car smell. Frustration with this product. Said. So much longer. Express a full course meal. Stealth actors. Elevator system. Surprises. Sexy. Toxic. Stock sixties. Interest. That sounds like. 2006. Is sentenced the strongest thing to remember. Exciting it's. That excitement. When you. Must not true. Take it a step further. Exciting. Still / research station. Stuck somewhere. He says. House now. The same thing. Guessing. Curious. Curious thing is that. Pictures. Hearing the smell. Regions. Just agree. Dismantle their makers like a TV. Embarrassment. Region. Rates every once in a while I replace the bucket of it he said under my seat. Just keep the smell. Their effects raised here. Of course. Facing right after the community in this bill aureus and as amazing as it back to. Some parts that are stimulating Andrew Lansley. Her seriously despite being in front of her I sweat hearing in front of her. In california's trout plastics. Gas. Through a process called off gassing. So it's wonderful for not really good for you. Basically when your current news bits of metal. Victory over become gases. Sickening smell of new cars like the lives of textile seats at the new luxury. Car smells good with that letter. That's interesting because manufacturing fresh snow happening in the pic material. Coming gases some people even replace the US military officials speaking after. Completion. Trouble. Decision to introduce new car smell problem you've got my attention. Down the central challenge really random things 2016 presidential bid into just. One sentence. George stephanopoulos think the American people you know you know that new car. Smell elections especially one for president are inherently about future. You're choosing the person to lead the country going so it will help you make a. Better life for your kids and you. Had / have. Nation is more important now than ever given the increasing their numbers. Worries. Meeting of the American dream that will make the choice of president 2016 all. The more. Important. Context is important. Was talking about himself on her. Seek. Here's what he said. Here. That if you're running for president. Can stick out your own decisions. And have a clean slate. First. Just like the transcribed as stuttering that's nice fresh start you know when he. Was president for six years you. Got some things Obama is in the main right. Reasons he was so successful is headed in 2008 was relieved. Experience taking a position or more important put it on everything. President of the son and his wife never get elected president 20 2009 everything. It curbs on path because he didn't have a well-worn trail behind us and the. Strategy worked. Feel about was running is a longtime senator's. City centre. Yes. And she does need some things the interview was able to reverse course and. Of course the use of force Iraq. Opposition to it or not well versed in 1982 active part of the National their. Husbands failed attempt to overhaul the health care system. Nineties. Decisions made a secretary of state earlier this decade. Record is so long. That's that's. 8 pose in that so. She is such a time period is democratic to lesser extent. 16. Just like she's always been with us their sentences. I get it. That's. To report that. Smells good thing. Because you curse. Is overrated it's been ok all right did spend. It is this a forum post. Is like letters to the editor. To go to the idea we all the fun bag today recovering more. Jeff rates may be crazy as usual and unsolicited told me that he has the snow. On my car so maybe it's not unusual in the news industry used to market new. Cars it's probably not all that unusual the new Christmas clear vision of smell. And your river. You're sitting in your fancy restaurants. Smell like cigarette ashes and overfishing babe it's probably only. Applies to smokers and fishermen. Sure people smells like to play itself is maybe isn't all that great nation. Tony rates. Not sure how I feel about this it's fucking weird. Also as being in a relationship with more serious than with the girlfriend. Thing now. Getting it I always thought people used. The reply was that people use partner for sure what common law marriage is. Like a girlfriend he just kiss each other to get married because marriage is. Going to the pressure for superior too complex or something you say partner. Instead it so I think it could languish for long-term relationship with the. Inseparable liberals like carotene references to care for the term either. Because you don't think your relationships and that level or because. You said it that's fine says she has like a romantic relationship between. Their rival and air travel. Semantics. Hooking up with for four weeks of forty years the chairman and clear about it. You'll have to go out of your way. How many times you gonna have to me that they had to make that distinction nearly. 50 this year it had to explain their way around those words. Somehow we're so. Somehow worse. Filled with jealousy. Or sales in China new car snow no thanks a Chinese. Percent since. Cars new car smell good. Cello. Cars the website. Of this is a very specific lol. Owners. Likes. Plays the cello. Talks about cars. Latest post. December 1st. People. There's a place. Talks. 73 choose the stiff drink. Chessboard of people. Finish. Photo David. Polybrominated diphenyl ether. Formats. Their spelling as they come. Care. Guessing. Ok. Dug out here
